Amidst the French revolution, Citizen Robespierre is beheading the aristocracy! When word gets to England, noblemen Sir Rodney Ffing and Lord Darcy Pue take it upon themselves to aid their French counterparts. Sir Rodney is a master of disguise, and becomes 'The Black Fingernail' scourge of Camembert and Bidet, leaders of the French secret police.
Release Date : Dec 10, 1966
Genres : Comedy
Production Company : The Rank Organisation, Adder
Production Countries : United Kingdom
Original Language : English
Casts : Sid James, Jim Dale, Dany Robin, Kenneth Williams, Charles Hawtrey, Joan Sims, Peter Gilmore, Marianne Stone, Michael Ward, Leon Greene, David Davenport
Director :
Status : Released
Budget : 0
Revenue : 0